User Controls and Commercial Interests Many participants in the ad ecosystem assume “user control” (i.e. consent) requirements are purely compliance driven and defined without regard to strategic and commercial interests.
Horizons: November 10, 2022 Over the past week, Twitter became an extreme microcosm of the slew of issues facing digital businesses...
Build a POV on Clean Rooms (Part 2) Dive into the strategic factors impacting adoption, use and the future of clean rooms: commercial interests, structural positioning, scale, public policy and competition.
Build a POV on Clean Rooms (Part 1) You’ll get a different description of a clean room depending on who you talk to. We break down the key facets of today’s clean rooms. Before you can evaluate what role a clean room might play in your strategy, consider what problems clean rooms address, how they do it, and the ways clean rooms vary.
Clean Rooms and Google Ads’ PAIR How Google might keep the clean room category from becoming a race to the bottom, privacy-wise.
Horizons: October 20, 2022 Marketers have a lot of catching up to do. The density of the US Privacy & Data Protection horizon in this issue is one of many indicators. We don’t just mean checking boxes....
Identifiers Are Not Created Equal (Part 2) Five fundamental components of an ID’s commercial viability for advertising and marketing
Identifiers Are Not Created Equal (Part 1) You must understand different forms of user identifiers before you can think strategically about them. You may have heard of user, device or household identifiers, but these terms alone don’t convey the full story.
Horizons: October 5, 2022 We see an opportunity to use approaching regulatory deadlines as a forcing function to get key legal, engineering, product and commercial leaders in the same room to consider the bigger picture.
Privacy Regulation, Cross-Context Tracking and Consumer Control This explainer explores current consumer-facing cross-context tracking controls and the impact of new global privacy regulations on them. The impact radius is bigger than marketing and advertising technology vendors.